Modern history of EPA Method 9 and clean air


The 1980s saw cleaner air in the U.S. through the national emissions standards and regulations; most jurisdictions met air quality standards. As a result, the EPA changed emphasis from compliance enforcement to compliance maintenance. The updates to the CAA increased the scope of regulated toxins and enhanced environmental protections. By the late 1980s much of those original criteria pollutant National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) were met.

Method 22

In 1982, Method 22 was promulgated.

Method 22


The Clean Air Act Amendment (CAAa) of 1990

The 1990 CAAa targeted four harmful threats to human health and the environment.

The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments


Title V Requirement

Title V operating permits become mandatory as part of the 1990 CAAa.

Title V Permitting


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