FAQs about CAA Smoke Schools

If you still have questions after reading our FAQs, please call CAA at 901-381-9960.
1. Does CAA offer a smoke school near me?
To find an in-person smoke school near you, visit our training map page. This will display a map of the United States, with red dots indicating our school locations. Click on the state you wish to attend a school. This will bring up a list of schools for that state.
If you don’t see an in-person smoke school in your area, CAA will consider the establishment of a public or private smoke school in your area or at your facility. Please email CAA to request a smoke school for in your area or at your facility.
OR, try CAA's VirtualOpacitySM product - you can complete all of your Method 9 training online!
2. How do I enroll for smoke school?
Smoke school enrollment can be completed in the following ways:- You or your company’s compliance manager can lo gin to your existing CAA account and enroll your employee(s) via the website.
- If you would like to become a customer use our new client request page.
- If you encounter problems creating a client account or with self-enrollment, please call 901-381-9960 for assistance.
3. How can I get proof of my certification?
Use the link under EXISTING CLIENTS-Find/Print Certification. You will need to know your employee number.4. How can I find my employee number?
Use the link under EXISTING CLIENTS- Retrieve Student Record Number.5. Do you guarantee a Method 9 certification?
Our smoke schools cannot guarantee an EPA Method 9 certification, but we will work with you to help you achieve certification. If a student attempts a certification test and fails to certify, CAA does not refund the class cost.6. What should I expect if I have never attended an in-erson smoke school?
General information on what you need to know before attending a CAA in-person smoke school can be found here. »You can learn about our digital field certification process here »