Public Smoke School Field Training
Fast. Efficient. High-Quality Opacity Training.
Compliance Assurance Associates, Inc. (CAA) opacity training includes a lecture component and a field component. You may enroll for one or both components.
Our field certification smoke schools are designed to be completed in less than a half day, including calibration, practice, test and administration.
Our Smoke Schools Are FAST
CAA offers exclusive digital field certification that allows students to certify on a mobile device, typically on their own phone.
Your Employees Benefit
Less waiting - no waiting to sign in, no waiting for grading, no waiting for certification proof. Lecture requirements are completed through an online self-paced course.
Your Organization Benefits
Less time away from work with less work coverage hassles. Digital certification results in comprehensive records for defensible readings - test run data, identification proof and certifications.
We offer smoke schools throughout the United States
Questions? Call CAA at 901-381-9960 for more information. Find a school near you