We don't tell you the answers, we teach you to read the answers.
Compliance Assurance (CAA) staff knows the art and the science behind visible emissions observations (VEO). We understand what it takes to be certified for VEO, and why it is important to understand the concepts behind visible emissions observations (VEO). Our opacity experts provide VEO professional services, including compliance plans and opacity readings.
What Makes CAA a Better Smoke School?
Method 9 Certification Available 100% Online
The introduction of virtual reality (VR) Method 9 training enables field certification to be performed using a VR platform. It's timesaving, efficient, and convenient.
Many smoke readers can complete certification in about 15 minutes.
Our In-Person Smoke Schools are FAST
The digital field certification process shortens the time students are away from work. Students attend a smoke school and certify on their phone. Everything is digital: smoke school sign-in, test runs, grading, certification proof.
Most smoke schools are completed in one day. Most test runs are completed in under an hour.
Self-Paced Lecture Available 24/7
CAA's self-paced lecture is convenient for students and your organization. Students can take the test at their convenience and at their own pace.
The self-paced lecture is TCEQ-approved, has comprehensive resources, and has garnered positive feedback from students.
Technology and Innovation
CAA's use of technology for visible emissions functions enable your organization to have a digital library of certifications and VEO readings. The VEO-APP reduces the complexity of Title V requirements and allows for comprehensive records of stacks, facilities, and readings.
Digital Records Create Defensible Certifications
Field and certification records available online 24/7.
Certifications are supported by a digital chain of custody.
Digital field records include student test run results, photo id, and signature.
Smoke trailer data stored digitally.
Self-paced lecture data available for individual students on questions/answers and pages visited.
Knowledge and Expertise
With over 60 years combined experience, CAA personnel know the art and the science behind visible emissions observations (VEO). We understand what it takes to be certified for VEO, and why it is important to understand the concepts behind the VEO observations.
For two decades, CAA has taught smoke school students the principles behind opacity training, not just how to pass a run. We teach. We train. We never provide hints. By teaching concepts, the certification process is made easy, and the observations definitive and defensible.
Smoke School Student Benefits
Digital technology eliminates the majority of waiting time for smoke school students. Stable smoke, reliable smoke generators, and rapid setup also decrease student wait time.
Digital grading provides students with feedback on incorrect answers.
An online, self-paced lecture course provides convenience and ensures an understanding of underlying concepts.
Use of field managers (proctors) at every class ensures testing integrity and smooth class operation. Managers monitor students to ensure they are working on their own and assist students and the instructor as required.
VEO Manager Benefits
Digital field certification and the online visible emissions course result in less employee time away from work.
No residuals or dust are left at our smoke school sites.
Email reminders prevent certification lapse.
Comprehensive smoke school data and lecture results are available online.
Immediate Method 9 certification proof is provided; certifications are available online 24/7.
The new VEO-APP streamlines Title V requirements, provides digital records of opacity observations, and manages Method 9 certification records and readers.
Become a Compliance Assurance Client
Team with the most innovative and efficient smoke school. More