Why Choose Compliance Assurance Associates?

We don't tell you the answers, we teach you to read the answers.

Compliance Assurance (CAA) staff knows the art and the science behind visible emissions observations (VEO). We understand what it takes to be certified for VEO, and why it is important to understand the concepts behind visible emissions observations (VEO). Our opacity experts provide VEO professional services, including compliance plans and opacity readings.

What Makes CAA a Better Smoke School?

Method 9 Certification Available 100% Online

Our In-Person Smoke Schools are FAST

Self-Paced Lecture Available 24/7

Technology and Innovation

Digital Records Create Defensible Certifications

Knowledge and Expertise

Smoke School Student Benefits

VEO Manager Benefits

Become a Compliance Assurance Client

Team with the most innovative and efficient smoke school. More